Newest addition to my bag

Yesterday we met with a nurse and dietitian at Makati Med's Diabetic Center who gave us instruction on how to use this:

This glucometer is the newest addition to the stuff in my bag. Thank goodness it's light, made to be brought around and comes in its own, nice pouch. I've started getting my sugar levels since yesterday and have been getting weird results. I have a feeling it's from the diet I am on.

So the dietitian taught us yesterday my diet (I should say "our" because Reg decided to do it with me so I wouldn't feel so bad). It isn't actually so bad, I can still eat a lot of the things I want to, it's just that the portions and sizes are so specific. I have a 2000 calorie diet spread out over 6 meals. I depend very much on the handout they gave me which lists the serving sizes and also the categories and what falls under them. Since I've gotten it, I've had it spread out before me before every meal, checking to see what I can eat. :p So please don't think me weird if I go out to lunch or dinner with you and I take this whole booklet out. :p

So anyway, after following the portions, I found out last night that I was below normal range an hour after dinner. So drank some juice with sugar. It increased it, but not quite at normal levels yet but closer. I thought that maybe it was cos I wasn't able to get my serving of fruit during dinner since there wasn't any available at where we were eating. At 12mn, I had my "bedtime snack" (I had it late so I wouldn't wake up so early just for breakfast - I can't fast for more than 8 hours a day). This morning, when I tested right before eating, my sugar levels were beyond normal range. Isn't that strange?? So I just didn't finish my bread (I halved my carb serving for breakfast). Today at lunch I fulfilled all my servings and guess what? Blood sugar levels are low again. So now I'm drinking juice and will test again 15minutes after this.

What the hell right? I think this means I should have some sugar but it has to be controlled. I don't think fruit is working it enough. Or even my serving of carbs. Isn't that strange?? I have no idea what's going on. Anyway, I still have 5 days of this and we'll see what the doctor says. In the meantime, I am just writing everything down.

Ok, gotta go. Time for another test. :p Gah


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