Doctor's Appointment

We went to our monthly check this morning :) Recap

1) Everything's great with baby - heartbeat, position, size :)

2) I lost a total of 3lbs since last month's check up. :p So anyway, my doctor isn't happy so I am tasked to either stay at the weight I am at now or gain back the 3lbs and add about two more until I give birth. So I have to really try hard. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty much hungry a lot, I'm just constrained by those stupid servings. The food seems a lot, especially since I eat six meals a day but if you really look at it, it's not that much. :p

3) We asked a number of questions to the doctor today - basically about the her pedia partner and all. I think I'm going to meet the pedia sometime next month :)

So that's basically it today!

I am due back to the doctor during the week of June 28. After that, I am back after 3 weeks I think and I start going to the doctor every week.

My doctor says that once the 30th week hits, time will go even faster. I'm excited and apprehensive. Time really is going by fast. I mean, come on, it's June. All of a sudden, the second half of the year is here. Next thing you know, baby girl will be here :)


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