
By writing this post, I am sincerely hoping that in two weeks, I'll have a follow-up with a happier news.

I went to the doctor today. We did all physical checks. Since I was not too sure if my last menstrual period was indeed your usual one (I'm only just remembering now. I really should make use of the notes function in the app), my doctor opted to have me go get an ultrasound to see exactly my status.

Well, no sign of pregnancy.

She says it could be a false positive. To see what it really is, I was given Provera to drink for the next four days (already took 1 today). If I am still meant to get my period, it will come within the 5 days or by the 25th at the latest. If not, then I go back to her for an ultrasound.

I feel so betrayed by my body. I was so happy yesterday. I felt so sick last night, I was woken up early morning by extreme hunger pangs and I feel sick after eating. I had already thought I was pregnant, then the ultrasound says this.

I'm really hoping and praying that it's really just too early. I'm hoping that this medicine will not give me my period and after getting back from the agency trip, we will find me officially pregnant. I hope the false positive turns into a miracle.

Because, Lord, why? Why should it be like this? I really hate ultrasounds now. The ache in my heart is so huge and so hard to bear. I feel like sitting in a corner and crying but I cannot. I want to be mature about it. But I am so sad and so disappointed.

Please still grant me this baby, Lord. But Your will be done.


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