Sick :p

I mean, my gag reflex is really getting some exercise. Otherwise appetizing food shots make me want to hurl. Sometimes I even wish that I really would, just so everything would be done already but in the same breath, I hope I won't because I HATE throwing up, I really really do.

When nighttime hits, I feel like I'm about to get the flu and fall asleep. And then I wake up early with an aching back because I've been asleep too long. I'm not even sure if that's still jetlag. :p I really can't tell.

I never know what I want to eat, and then I get cranky because I'm hungry.

Wow... talk about all-day sickness (it's not just morning!)

Makes me a little wary about what to expect next. Haha! :) Interesting times I head, I tell ya. Very interesting!


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