30 weeks!

We are 30 weeks today!!

I can't believe it. We are already on the 30th week mark. If baby girl decides her birthday will be on her 37th week just like Ate and Kuya then we have 7 weeks to go.

What. 7 weeks. That doesn't seem too long, especially since there is a ton of work to get through in the office, we are in the midst of planning her baby sprinkle (and I haven't even made her registry yet and we should get our invitations out soon), plus the stuff we still need to buy and prepare. Add to that, there is a family wedding coming up where Kuya is a coin bearer, Halloween and I'm trying to prep as many Christmas gifts as I can now.

The next few weeks promise to be interesting and busy. At least I don't have to worry about Ate having exams because we just finished her first term.

Well, not too long now! We're so excited to meet our baby girl. I hope she comes at the right time for her! And I keep praying that we both stay strong and healthy and that we'll have a safe, smooth and normal delivery. :)


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