Doctor's appointment recap

So today we:


So I was lying there while the doctor was trying to search for the baby's heartbeat using the doppler. When she found it at my right side, she asked Reg to come in so he can hear. By the time he walked in, we lost it again because the baby must've decided to float somewhere else. Haha! We eventually caught up with him/her at my left side where we got to hear his/her very strong heartbeat. S/he made us hear it for quite a bit of time until s/he floated off again. Haha! :) His/her heartbeat is now at 163 beats per minute :)


I had no idea I had lost 2lbs, I felt like everytime I'd eat, I'd be extra full. Reg says he's noticed that I don't really eat that much anyway. Plus the fact that I have cut considerably my sugar intake (no desserts almost at all), he says it's probably the reason why I ended up losing weight rather than gaining weight. So now I am tasked to gain back the 2lbs and plus another lb by our next appointment date (which is on the 5th of March). I know that doesn't sound like much, but I have to alter how I eat to manage that... and I don't know when I'll be able to eat a little more. I guess this means I have to push for more substantial snacks before dinner, rather than munching on crackers. :p

3) Among other questions I asked, I CAN GO TO THE BEACH!

When I finally got around to asking, the doctor laughed and said that she was waiting for me to ask. So yes, I can go to the beach in April. No to Boracay daw until Caticlan airport is open and only if we stay in Discovery Shores or Shangrila because they have good transports, have their own ports and boats. Haha! Truth be told though, I told Reg the same thing about a week or so ago.


One of my questions to her today was about Aquafitness - which is essentially exercises done in a pool. It was something I wanted to be able to do, and she gave me permission but only when my fourth month starts. She also recommended pre-natal yoga, but again only when my fourth month starts. So, two things for me to try :)

She also mentioned Lamaze classes and asked if I was thinking of going to them. I said that I thought about them but hadn't decided. She did assure me that even if I do Lamaze, once I say I can't do it anymore (during labour), she's not going to push it. Haha :) With that as my safety net, and with her saying that Reg can definitely be there during labour if we do Lamaze, I decided that we will. So that will start on the 7th month.

She also mentioned Makati Med's birthing rooms, which I didn't know they had. I had been hoping, because it seems perfect. There's no reason for you to be moved from one room to another as that is both labour/delivery room already (and if I'm not mistaken, I think that's where you stay as well). She mentioned that it may be a bit more expensive, but my mom likes it and so does Reg so I'll have to look into that as well.

Finally, we also talked about cord blood banking, which is something I had already been thinking about anyway. It's expensive, as I thought it would be, but I figured it's a good investment for our baby's health (knock on wood, please let our baby be perfectly healthy!!). I decided to ask my parents if they'd like to gift their apo with cord blood banking. We can take care of the yearly payments. :D Still need to learn quite a bit more about it though, so we'll probably ask for them to come and make a presentation.

Overall, it was a very good doctor's appointment and I'm very happy. Our baby's heartbeat is really like music to our ears. I really can't feel the baby moving around yet kasi, but I know that the baby is there :) So at this point, hearing our baby's heartbeat really makes the pregnancy more real than ever. Hearing his/her heartbeat only validates everything. <3


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