
When I was pregnant with Tala, at this exact same time period, I was suffering through a winter in the States. I found out I was a pregnant a few weeks before leaving and we had a winter christmas planned. So at 6 weeks, I was on a long haul flight and had to go through various modes of transportation because we landed just right before a snow storm hit. That included a 4-hour drive through icy roads to Maryland from New York.

I came home two weeks after and went to my ultrasound the very next day.

I also started major all-day sickness there right after Christmas. I just remember not having any appetite and not liking anything in particular -- just very plain food. I remember coming home and being all happy to eat home-cooked food. I think my appetite picked up at around my 11th or 12th week and by then, I had lost some weight so I had to catch up.

And now, here's the difference I've noticed. I am so hungry right now. I should be glad I'm not hungry all the time but there's definitely a pattern. I wake up and I'm hungry and eat a monster breakfast (more than my usual). Lunch rolls around and I eat, because I know I have to. So I eat at lunch, but not as much as I do during breakfast (so maybe the amount is just about normal). About two hours after lunch, I am extremely hungry again and have to get a snack. And then dinner rolls around and I eat just a bit more than I did for lunch. And then two hours after, I'm hungry again and have to look for a snack that won't make me feel bad for eating it. For someone who doesn't really do snacking, this is a lot of food for me. And whenever hunger strikes, I feel like I haven't eaten in hours so I really need to eat something! There's also no particular food that I like or don't like. I have to rely on suggestions and see whether I'd like it or not. So far, I seem to like home-cooked food a lot and ramen doesn't seem all that appealing.

And so - Tala: Not hungry. This baby: very hungry.

Man, maybe that means my gestational diabetes will hit early. :p Then again, I don't have a strong craving for sweets (yet) so maybe I'll be spared from having to prick my fingers everyday. I doubt tho.

Seriously though, I need to snack smart. Just cos I'm pregnant doesn't mean I should just eat whatever. I don't plan on gaining more than the minimum required weight gain (please Lord, let that at least be the same this time around) :p


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