Still choosing a birthday, I see

We are 37 weeks and had a doctor's visit this morning! What we found out:

1) I gained another 3 pounds. Man, baby boy is still packing on weight?! I still look the same so I'm still assuming that most of the weight is going to him. He was estimated at 6lbs 7oz about three weeks ago. I wonder how heavy he is now?!

2) Well, to answer that question, we have an ultrasound scheduled for the 26th (assuming I don't give birth before then).

3) Baby boy has floated up a little again (my doctor says he felt lower last week) and I haven't really dilated yet.

Our doctor says she estimates after Christmas but definitely before the New Year.

So. Gotta keep walking! I am eager to give birth already. This tummy is very heavy and lying down and sleeping is increasingly getting difficult as each day passes :p


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