36 weeks!

Taken two days ago
Don't I look ready to pop in that photo? My stomach really do feels that heavy (it looks quite big there doesn't it?)

Officially, we are 36 weeks today! I am up for a check on Thursday. In the meantime, I've been running errands - finishing up our short christmas list, wrapping up gifts just so they're ready and today, I packed our hospital bag. All it is missing are our toiletries and our phone chargers (our phone chargers are usually in our everyday bags anyway).

I am also allowed to walk more starting today! So I'm hitting the mall today with Tala. I have been feeling like I miss her so much these past few days and I just want to spend time with her.

Reg feels that we'll get some specific developments on Thursday - let's see if he's right. Well, I've felt compelled to finish up some loose ends so maybe it's true. Either that or I'm just eager to spend a lot of time out of the house. :p We'll find out in two days!


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