Second time's a charm
At least, we fervently hope.
I put this blog up about four months ago to chronicle what was supposed to be our first pregnancy. By September 3 though, I had become a candidate for a D&C because it turned out to be a blighted ovum.
Of course that was devastating but we worked quickly and well to get over it - focusing instead on making sure I recover well. Anyway, after that, there was really no other way to go but up.
So the past month, I have been adding prayers to St. Jude to my nightly prayers.
Today though, it was this. St. Jude is a really awesome miracle worker. :)

It's faint, but the doctor says two lines is two lines. I repeated the test in the afternoon and got the same result. Again, it's still early, at about 5 weeks and four days, counting from the first day of my last period. :) I'm repeating the test again Monday morning, that should hit about six weeks. I want a bolder second line. :p
Unlike the last time though, here are the things I'm feeling right now:
1) There's this weird sort-of pressure/cramp/pain that's not exactly painful (I can't explain it) in my lower abdomen that's been there on and off for about the last week or so. In fact, I can't put pressure at all on the area because it just feels sensitive. Oh, and it's a little solid, like there's something there. :)
2) Not much cravings yet this early, but I can sleep the day away if given the chance. :p I just don't, though. I take naps sometimes. haha
3) Burping. My god, I haven't burped this much in my life. Apparently, you have extra gas when you're in early stages. What the hell.
4) And my boobs. I'm just glad that it's not sore all the time and just some of the time (that should change in the next few weeks, I suppose)
5) I am definitely more emotional - crankier, prone to crying, easily annoyed - you name it. I can control it though, thank goodness so no weird outbursts. But I find I have less patience and if it happens to touch me in just the right way at the right moment, I can cry. I cannot tell you how many Glee episodes I have cried over. Today was the last episode of the season and I still found a reason to tear up. :p (actually, this is an early apology - if I snap at you, know that it's not you. Unless you know you did something wrong. haha!)
Also, in an effort to do things differently than the last time, Reg has told more people upfront. I'm still keeping it to closest friends, but I am thanking St. Jude in all my public spaces on the internet and telling people to let me know if they want the prayer as I'll gladly pass it on to them (in fact, if you want it, leave your email at the comment box and I'll send it to you).
And I'm publishing this blog and not making it private anymore. I did make the older posts private though, I feel like those are pretty much for my eyes only.
So next week, before we leave for the States, we are making a visit to the doctor so she can give me instructions (she can't believe the timing - I'm actually going to be travelling!). No ultrasounds yet, because ultrasounds are traditionally done at 7weeks. There's not much to see right now. As discussed with my doctor, we're doing the ultrasound as soon as we get back from the States.
Reg says he feels that this is it. This is the one. As much as I am the happiest and most excited person on earth, I am also just a tiny bit scared/anxious. I don't think you can blame me though, after what's happened. However, I am focusing just on the good vibes. I really really hope second time's a charm. I have a great feeling about this. I know God, Mama Mary, Sta. Clara and St. Jude will hear all my prayers. :)
Ah baby, keep growing ok? We can't wait to meet you. :)
I put this blog up about four months ago to chronicle what was supposed to be our first pregnancy. By September 3 though, I had become a candidate for a D&C because it turned out to be a blighted ovum.
Of course that was devastating but we worked quickly and well to get over it - focusing instead on making sure I recover well. Anyway, after that, there was really no other way to go but up.
So the past month, I have been adding prayers to St. Jude to my nightly prayers.
Today though, it was this. St. Jude is a really awesome miracle worker. :)
It's faint, but the doctor says two lines is two lines. I repeated the test in the afternoon and got the same result. Again, it's still early, at about 5 weeks and four days, counting from the first day of my last period. :) I'm repeating the test again Monday morning, that should hit about six weeks. I want a bolder second line. :p
Unlike the last time though, here are the things I'm feeling right now:
1) There's this weird sort-of pressure/cramp/pain that's not exactly painful (I can't explain it) in my lower abdomen that's been there on and off for about the last week or so. In fact, I can't put pressure at all on the area because it just feels sensitive. Oh, and it's a little solid, like there's something there. :)
2) Not much cravings yet this early, but I can sleep the day away if given the chance. :p I just don't, though. I take naps sometimes. haha
3) Burping. My god, I haven't burped this much in my life. Apparently, you have extra gas when you're in early stages. What the hell.
4) And my boobs. I'm just glad that it's not sore all the time and just some of the time (that should change in the next few weeks, I suppose)
5) I am definitely more emotional - crankier, prone to crying, easily annoyed - you name it. I can control it though, thank goodness so no weird outbursts. But I find I have less patience and if it happens to touch me in just the right way at the right moment, I can cry. I cannot tell you how many Glee episodes I have cried over. Today was the last episode of the season and I still found a reason to tear up. :p (actually, this is an early apology - if I snap at you, know that it's not you. Unless you know you did something wrong. haha!)
Also, in an effort to do things differently than the last time, Reg has told more people upfront. I'm still keeping it to closest friends, but I am thanking St. Jude in all my public spaces on the internet and telling people to let me know if they want the prayer as I'll gladly pass it on to them (in fact, if you want it, leave your email at the comment box and I'll send it to you).
And I'm publishing this blog and not making it private anymore. I did make the older posts private though, I feel like those are pretty much for my eyes only.
So next week, before we leave for the States, we are making a visit to the doctor so she can give me instructions (she can't believe the timing - I'm actually going to be travelling!). No ultrasounds yet, because ultrasounds are traditionally done at 7weeks. There's not much to see right now. As discussed with my doctor, we're doing the ultrasound as soon as we get back from the States.
Reg says he feels that this is it. This is the one. As much as I am the happiest and most excited person on earth, I am also just a tiny bit scared/anxious. I don't think you can blame me though, after what's happened. However, I am focusing just on the good vibes. I really really hope second time's a charm. I have a great feeling about this. I know God, Mama Mary, Sta. Clara and St. Jude will hear all my prayers. :)
Ah baby, keep growing ok? We can't wait to meet you. :)