Eating right

So here's the thing, right. I never really ate right. I don't even eat veggies all that much. Fruits are not in my top-of-mind.

Through the years though, I've gotten just a tiny bit better. I can eat salads now. Thanks to my low-cholesterol diet that I had to go through about a year ago, I've also weaned myself off from too much meat and have learnt to like fish again and also have started to really love shrimp and scallops.

Being pregnant means good food choices. I should be happy that I can drink pre-natal vitamins that can give me all the nutrients I need for a day and that there are calcium supplements I can take. However, I really feel like I should be getting all of these from food too.

So, I've been researching. I feel like I'm studying for an exam (and I'm out of practice). I can't seem to retain anything. I think I'm info overloading.

Is there a handout out there that I can just bring around and refer to? :p

Well, seems like I should be really eating small meals and well, just really try to make the better choices. I can kind of do that, I know. Well, I have to try! I really want to be healthy, and have a healthy baby too!


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