Doctor's Visit

Went to our first (for this case) doctor's visit today for a general check, blood test and instructions. So there was an internal check ("all very good") and breast check (soo sensitive already so I nearly said "can we not?"). She gave me medicine to help stop uterine contractions and asked me to take it right before our longest flight just to help prevent it, which may happen due to cabin pressure. It's just a precaution and will not do any harm so will be doing just that. I had mentioned that I initially felt some pressure on my lower abdomen so she was more convinced that I should just take it. Aside from that though, everything is good and healthy. :)

Blood test done today also so she can check all those levels that need checking already. This is something I never look forward to, having pretty thin veins. It takes forever to find one and more often than not, extraction is painful. :p I've been lucky to get really good med technologists so far! I hope I don't jinx it.

We ate at Floating Island after (can't resist Floating Island! haha) for a very late breakfast and headed to Mercury to stock up on vitamins and other medicines for me to bring.

I just realised that I haven't raeally felt that weird pressure in my abdomen lately. Must have been replaced by bouts of nausea. :p I don't think it's going to stop anytime soon, I am just thankful that it's not actual chunks of food I'm vomiting (sorry sorry, too much info) but mostly just a lot of saliva :p (and this must be said, i HATE throwing up) so I'm glad it's just this. I don't know what causes it, but it just happens at random times. Today, it was this morning. :p

ANYWAY. This is all just rambling.

Oh. But WAIT. We have something to look forward to: 4 January 2010. Ultrasound at 11am! :)



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