19 weeks and a check-up
If you read What to Expect When You're Expecting, at this time, I am apparently 5 months. I am 20 weeks in a few days so I guess I can say this already. Well into the second trimester without even me noticing! Didn't I just find out I was pregnant?! If I base that on the work that's been done, that's two big campaigns already launched and numerous radios and print stuff released since then (wait, whoa).
Anyway, today we had our monthly check-up and here are the things I learnt:
1) My BP is good! Yay :)
2) My weight gain is double that I am allowed for this month. 6 pounds! JEEZ. That leaves me 15 pounds left to gain until the end of this pregnancy (if I only want to gain the minimum required). That's a total of 12 pounds already gained since finding out I was pregnant.
Anyway, I wish my doctor wouldn't keep comparing from my first pregnancy! In her records, I gave birth at this weight. I have no idea if that's possible? Because I remember calculating that I gained 25 pounds in total. So we had to explain again that I lost weight at first, then spent about two months catching up and by the time I caught up, I got diagnosed with GD. She said it was excuses and I just looked at her until she checked her records again and realized I was right (Ha! I don't forget everything! Just some things :p)
So anyway, I really want to avoid GD so I guess I have to put myself on a "diet". I already don't look for a lot of sweets, I really should just cut out the ones I've been letting myself eat. I also need to cut down on carbs (I already knew that, but I'm stubborn :p). I hope that my appetite stays the same so I won't have a hard time doing this. I just need to convince myself that I am borderline GD (hey, I probably am) so I will take this seriously :p
Speaking of GD, my doc is waiting for one more month before I do any blood sugar tests.
3) Baby's heartbeat is good! We are at 150 beats per minute. The doctor found the strongest sound by my belly button, which she says means baby hasn't turned yet. So right now baby is feet down. :p I am hoping baby turns around soon.
4) Congenital scan and baby's gender is scheduled on the 27th! I really wanted it next week but there are no scannings on holidays (there's one next week) and the 27th was the next best schedule. I'm sure next week will go by quickly anyway. I'm excited :) I hope and pray everything is well.
Anyway, today we had our monthly check-up and here are the things I learnt:
1) My BP is good! Yay :)
2) My weight gain is double that I am allowed for this month. 6 pounds! JEEZ. That leaves me 15 pounds left to gain until the end of this pregnancy (if I only want to gain the minimum required). That's a total of 12 pounds already gained since finding out I was pregnant.
Anyway, I wish my doctor wouldn't keep comparing from my first pregnancy! In her records, I gave birth at this weight. I have no idea if that's possible? Because I remember calculating that I gained 25 pounds in total. So we had to explain again that I lost weight at first, then spent about two months catching up and by the time I caught up, I got diagnosed with GD. She said it was excuses and I just looked at her until she checked her records again and realized I was right (Ha! I don't forget everything! Just some things :p)
So anyway, I really want to avoid GD so I guess I have to put myself on a "diet". I already don't look for a lot of sweets, I really should just cut out the ones I've been letting myself eat. I also need to cut down on carbs (I already knew that, but I'm stubborn :p). I hope that my appetite stays the same so I won't have a hard time doing this. I just need to convince myself that I am borderline GD (hey, I probably am) so I will take this seriously :p
Speaking of GD, my doc is waiting for one more month before I do any blood sugar tests.
3) Baby's heartbeat is good! We are at 150 beats per minute. The doctor found the strongest sound by my belly button, which she says means baby hasn't turned yet. So right now baby is feet down. :p I am hoping baby turns around soon.
4) Congenital scan and baby's gender is scheduled on the 27th! I really wanted it next week but there are no scannings on holidays (there's one next week) and the 27th was the next best schedule. I'm sure next week will go by quickly anyway. I'm excited :) I hope and pray everything is well.