Things to think about

1. Stress = spiking blood sugar levels

Over the weekend, we were in Midsayap for my lolo's funeral. We were there for the last night and the day of the funeral and left Sunday. Before going there, I caught a cold. While I thought I was pretty relaxed there, I guess I was stressed by the heat, my cold and general situation (enjoyed time with relatives though). The result? Spiked blood sugar levels. Nothing in the 200-range tho, thank goodness. Getting those levels stressed me out even more and I barely ate and drank gallons of water (or what seemed like gallons).

Getting back to manila, my levels are back to normal. Still working on my fasting levels tho :p In a series of facebook message exchanges with a blockmate now also pregnant and with GD, she says her research said that stress can affect sugar levels.

Stress affects everything. I'm chilling from now on. :)

2. Breastfeeding

So apparently, news from titas whose daughters have recently given birth say that MMC no longer gives formula, instead brings the baby to you for breastfeeding.  I'm sure this is from that new milk bill. This is a problem. I'm pretty sure I have no milk. Haha! Plus the fact that I know my mom had a hard time breastfeeding means that I would have a hard time too. Apparently, I should start eating more soups and eat malunggay. I'm just not too sure if it's too early to start. So gotta research and ask friends who breastfeed and I hope it comes up during our childbirth classes (which start on Saturday!)


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