Mirror Mirror

I've been told by so many people that it's been so obvious that we're having a girl because I look great, I'm blooming and pregnancy suits me. I am super super thankful that's what's coming across because truth be told, I see the opposite when I look at the mirror :p I'm sure this is normal.

At this time, I already think I look like a beached whale. I wonder how I'll feel three months from now? Heck, I know we're gonna grow even bigger by next month. That's really really cool but well. It's hard to just let go. I'm sure that's normal too.

I have a hard time looking at the mirror lately because I am sometimes irritated by what I see. So I'm very thankful to the random compliments I get from everyone and Reg's constant reminders ("you are not fat. you are pregnant! *with very big smile*) because that helps a lot. :)


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