Hello, baby girl! :)

Today was our first pelvic ultrasound and we were able to see our baby girl! :)

The first photo we saw up on the monitor was an outstretched hand and we could see each of her fingers. She's still in breech position, so her head is still up high. We saw her move a leg. The doctor checked her heartbeat and measured all these other things and the next thing we knew, she was lying on her tummy :)

We were also able to get visual confirmation that she is indeed a girl and we were able to hear her heartbeat! :)

Then the doc was able to get us a nice photo of her. Man, ultrasound tech has come a really long way, being 4D and all. So we can get a clearer picture of her face, they rotated the picture around :) In the final photo we got, we are able to see her facial features and a hand is sticking up as though she is saying hi.

Looking forward to the 14th of Aug when we'll see her longer - it's time for the congenital anomaly scan.


I wonder if it's finally ok to share her name, even with just Tala and Kael? :) We have her first name, still deciding on her middle name :)


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