So the thing about finding out you're pregnant quite early is that by the time you're at the stage when most people are just realising they are and are scheduling their first ultrasounds, you've already had this knowledge for about a month. It's been a month and a week since I found out. We are hitting 9 weeks tomorrow. Then next week is another ultrasound. 

So far, no bump yet (I expect it to pop out early just like when I was pregnant with Kael), however I have noticed that my lower belly has started rounding out. Since I am eating just a little bit more than I have had in the past year, my stomach is also popping out. It's so annoying. The other day I realised that I felt like my midsection felt tired and it was because I was unconsciously sucking my abdomen in. I had no problems doing that a week prior but there was a difference to this week. I let it pop out and felt relief. I hope that means my lower belly is starting to grow. I welcome growth, it means good progress :)

Earlier this week, I also decided to take a sick leave just to be away from the office an extra day. Thinking about the office gives me weird feelings and makes me want to hide out in bed. I guess you can say that if I'm averse to anything right now, it isn't food but a place. I have similar feelings when I look back on our trip to Dubai. Looking at pictures from it gives me weird feelings, like I feel sick. I think I may have felt worse than I thought during the trip. I felt nauseated and tired a lot and looking at those pictures brings those feelings back. 

I'm still working through that bad taste at the back of my mouth after each meals. The intensity varies and I can't figure out a pattern. I do now for sure that eating anything sweet makes it extremely strong and eating something neutral, like rice, keeps it at bay. I initially found Extra gum to help but when I both my next pack, the gum started to make me feel nauseated. I then tried these mint candies that Aneka bought during her trip (so she bought them from Rome) and they're PERFECT. After telling her that they were helping me a lot and after asking a lot from her last Sunday (my taste buds were feeling very bad that day), she gave me the entire thing. I only have half a box left and I'm already sad. I dunno where I can buy it here (it's definitely a local Italian brand) and I don't know yet a replacement. It's sugar free and gluten free too. Sigh.

I have days when I feel all normal and days when I wake up and I know it's going to be a sickly kind of day. Last Saturday was a particularly bad day for me. I just felt sick the entire day then fell asleep early, almost like I was coming down with fever (I did not). I am consistently sleepy after lunch (good luck to me today, no napping, I have to leave for a meeting by 2pm) and yes, I nap in the office. :p 

Can't wait for Thursday!


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