Latest Update

We went on our second ultrasound last Saturday, 12 Apr. There was definite improvement, now we have a gestational sac! We measured at 5wks and 4 days so understandably, there was nothing much to be seen yet, as it happens with most pregnancies caught so early.

However, they did spot a subchorionic hemorrhage, best described here. For this, our doctor has given has extremely strong progesterone shots to help the baby latch stronger. He had to teach Reg how to do it. It hurts like a mother, my goodness. I haven't had a shot that hurt that much ever. The injection site was still smarting until late that day and a part of the day after. I still feel it a little and we are injecting again tomorrow. Aside from this, I was given low dose aspirin to help reduce the clot that has formed. I was also given an antibiotic to clear any infections that might be going on that may be helping cause it. I'm also now drinking pre-natal vitamins as well as Omega 3 fish oil.

I'm hoping that all of these plus a lot of prayers will set us on a course of a normal, strong and healthy pregnancy. I'm really hoping that the hematoma just gets reabsorbed by my body and it happens soon. For now, I am taking it easy.

Last night though, after peeing, I wiped to find a thin single line of reddish-pink discharge. It was watery/light because it came with discharge so somewhat mucos-y. Doc told me to rest today and we're seeing him again tomorrow. Thankfully, it did not happen again after that one time. I'm hoping it is just implantation. Or an effect of the aspirin on the blood clot. We are traveling on Thursday so we are taking every precaution possible. I promise to be a good girl while we are away. I've even made additional arrangements with the office's travel agency so that one of the things in our itinerary will be safe for me. I hope they make it happen.


We told Tala and Kael about the baby growing in my tummy last Saturday night because I wanted to be able to pray for the pregnancy and the baby with them. Their initial reaction was stunned surprise, I guess. haha. Tala asked right away if it was a girl and Kael quickly moved back to playing.

The next day however, when I came down to eat breakfast, they both asked me how our baby was doing and if it was growing, which I said we should pray for. I answered, "let's hope so!" :) Tala asks questions about the pregnancy like - when will my stomach get bigger? How big is baby right now? How long will baby be in my tummy? She's so excited. Kael, on the other hand, told people to be gentle with me because our baby was in my tummy. He also asked to kiss the baby. When asked if they wanted a boy or a girl, Tala will say girl and I think Kael says boy just cos Ate said the opposite. We are teaching them to answer that we are happy with any, just please be a healthy baby.

More prayers for me, please :) Hoping tomorrow's doc appointment will go ok.


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