Boy or girl? (and other things)
We still have about 8 weeks before we can check and find out but I have this feeling I am carrying a boy. Just putting it out there so I can check back and see later on if I got it right. Haha :D
I dunno what it is, but in the same way I was sure that Tala was a girl (I referred to her as "she" in my head), I refer to this one now as "he" just as easily. Also, my tummy seems to be pointed and I don't feel pretty (which oldies will say are signs you're carrying a boy). I also hope that this is not wishful thinking influenced by others. Sooo many people say that they hope it's a boy. Truthfully, we just want a happy, healthy baby just like his (or her) Ate Tala. :)
So anyway, let's go back to this conversation in 8 weeks.
Speaking of my tummy, I got up from my seat after lunch today noting that it is lopsided and leaning towards the right. I hope he goes back to the middle soon! It's weird! :D
Today I decided that I would wear my topshop maternity jeans because I wanted to be in jeans but I also wanted to be comfortable. They are still quite loose, even if I have them adjusted to the tightest it can go and I'm wearing a belt. However, they really are so comfy. Best maternity buy, I think :)
Today I decided that I should stop my usual habit of sucking in my tummy and just let it out. Well, it is bigger talaga! I'm both fascinated and a bit disconcerted. I should stop comparing tummy sizes I guess :) This makes me feel like I'm farther along than I am, which I'm not.
Although, with the way my days are going, I'll be farther along in no time! It's already July on Monday (also means that Tala's birthday is coming up very soon!)
I remember feeling like I was aware of every day of my pregnancy when I was pregnant with Tala. Another difference: on your second pregnancy, you just go through each day as is. Guess that's cos you already know what it feels like and what to more or less expect (even though some things are different) so nothing is really new. Although I have to admit that this morning I felt that familiar twinge of fear when I thought about giving birth. Everyone says labor for the second one is a heck lot faster than the first. We live farther from the hospital now and I couldn't stop myself from thinking about not making in time to get an epidural and having to give birth without it. :-s
So, I dunno why I'm thinking of that this early. I should stop. :p
I dunno what it is, but in the same way I was sure that Tala was a girl (I referred to her as "she" in my head), I refer to this one now as "he" just as easily. Also, my tummy seems to be pointed and I don't feel pretty (which oldies will say are signs you're carrying a boy). I also hope that this is not wishful thinking influenced by others. Sooo many people say that they hope it's a boy. Truthfully, we just want a happy, healthy baby just like his (or her) Ate Tala. :)
So anyway, let's go back to this conversation in 8 weeks.
Speaking of my tummy, I got up from my seat after lunch today noting that it is lopsided and leaning towards the right. I hope he goes back to the middle soon! It's weird! :D
Today I decided that I would wear my topshop maternity jeans because I wanted to be in jeans but I also wanted to be comfortable. They are still quite loose, even if I have them adjusted to the tightest it can go and I'm wearing a belt. However, they really are so comfy. Best maternity buy, I think :)
Today I decided that I should stop my usual habit of sucking in my tummy and just let it out. Well, it is bigger talaga! I'm both fascinated and a bit disconcerted. I should stop comparing tummy sizes I guess :) This makes me feel like I'm farther along than I am, which I'm not.
Although, with the way my days are going, I'll be farther along in no time! It's already July on Monday (also means that Tala's birthday is coming up very soon!)
I remember feeling like I was aware of every day of my pregnancy when I was pregnant with Tala. Another difference: on your second pregnancy, you just go through each day as is. Guess that's cos you already know what it feels like and what to more or less expect (even though some things are different) so nothing is really new. Although I have to admit that this morning I felt that familiar twinge of fear when I thought about giving birth. Everyone says labor for the second one is a heck lot faster than the first. We live farther from the hospital now and I couldn't stop myself from thinking about not making in time to get an epidural and having to give birth without it. :-s
So, I dunno why I'm thinking of that this early. I should stop. :p