Note to self: Baby Book
I noticed that there aren't a lot of choices around here, baby books-wise. Unless I'm looking for it in the wrong places, let me know. :p
But anyway today, I think I may have found the one. I really really liked it and only came across it by accident.
Where: Powerbooks, Greenbelt 3, 2nd floor
I was browsing while waiting for my mom and Inna to pick me up while looking for a possible gift. As I asked for a specific book from the customer service, I wandered over to the notebooks (i love notebooks cos I'm a geek like that :p). I happened to look up and there was a shelf with baby books. Not a lot of choices though, but there was one that definitely caught my eye.
Two great things about it? It's unisex (you know, just in case haha) and it's relatively cheap (compared to the other ones on the shelf and below a thou!). Most of all, it's just really really nice, very casual and fun (no flowery writing or whatever) and I know I'd have fun filling it out.
I would've loved to buy it right then and there but I knew my mom was going to protest about me doing so, and I also wanted Reg to see it first. :p
So there. So I won't forget. I hope they don't run out of stock :p
Speaking of which, when can I start getting stuff??? Hopefully after next week, we can start looking seriously already. :p I'm really really really looking forward to it!
But anyway today, I think I may have found the one. I really really liked it and only came across it by accident.
Where: Powerbooks, Greenbelt 3, 2nd floor
I was browsing while waiting for my mom and Inna to pick me up while looking for a possible gift. As I asked for a specific book from the customer service, I wandered over to the notebooks (i love notebooks cos I'm a geek like that :p). I happened to look up and there was a shelf with baby books. Not a lot of choices though, but there was one that definitely caught my eye.
Two great things about it? It's unisex (you know, just in case haha) and it's relatively cheap (compared to the other ones on the shelf and below a thou!). Most of all, it's just really really nice, very casual and fun (no flowery writing or whatever) and I know I'd have fun filling it out.
I would've loved to buy it right then and there but I knew my mom was going to protest about me doing so, and I also wanted Reg to see it first. :p
So there. So I won't forget. I hope they don't run out of stock :p
Speaking of which, when can I start getting stuff??? Hopefully after next week, we can start looking seriously already. :p I'm really really really looking forward to it!