Amazing, responding baby bubble
Well, Reg and I would like to think :) The past few nights we've spent talking to the baby, I would eventually feel it respond via a tumble (that's the best way I can describe it) at some point. It's happened about three times already this week, and I can't explain exactly how amazing that feels. I know the day's going to come soon when Reg will be able to share in it too - when the baby's big enough to be actually kicking ME. :) Right now I can just tell him about it and try to describe as best I can and to show him where I felt it. :)
I've also been told twice this week that my belly's gotten bigger. I can't describe how tickled I am by this, I am excited to share with people this pregnancy. :) We did wait two years for it! Haha :)
We often get asked by people why we "took quite long" or "ngayon lang? this is the first?" when they are told I am pregnant. While we kind of didn't have a choice about our wait, in hindsight I see my PCOS as a blessing from God. After all, He gave me and Reg a full two years of being just us together, married. We have a friend who was telling us that her pregnancy took her by surprise so much, she sunk into a bit of depression during pregnancy and a few months after she gave birth (she got pregnant a few months after getting married, and even before they went on their scheduled honeymoon) because she felt she wasn't ready at all. Reg and I are thankful about these almost two full years we got together, just him and me. In the end, we ended up wanting this pregnancy because we were ready. God also gave us that time to fix our finances and get rid of all the debts (with only one more left, ending at the same month the baby is coming! That is what I call Perfect Timing. Thank you, Lord!), to teach us how to curb our admittedly crazy spending (now we know how to prioritize - baby first! house first!), teach us budgetting and balancing and to be able to save more. I would think that if this pregnancy came a few months or halfway into our first year of marriage, it would've probably been a hectic, worrying time. Right now, it's just about right. We still get to be the young parents we wanted to be, but more ready for it. The rest of the year into the next will be a little heavy - with the baby coming and the house about to start building - but we're more ready for it now than we were before.
I am always amazed at God's perfect timing. I used to question my PCOS (why me?) but now I see He used it to help us prepare. I remember that before getting married, Reg and I said we wouldn't have kids right away and that we'd just spend a year or so just us. Then we decided to just leave it all up to God, whenever He'd want to gift us with our baby. And this is how He did it. :)
(then after this, actual family planning starts!)
Amazing. Thank you Lord. :)
I've also been told twice this week that my belly's gotten bigger. I can't describe how tickled I am by this, I am excited to share with people this pregnancy. :) We did wait two years for it! Haha :)
We often get asked by people why we "took quite long" or "ngayon lang? this is the first?" when they are told I am pregnant. While we kind of didn't have a choice about our wait, in hindsight I see my PCOS as a blessing from God. After all, He gave me and Reg a full two years of being just us together, married. We have a friend who was telling us that her pregnancy took her by surprise so much, she sunk into a bit of depression during pregnancy and a few months after she gave birth (she got pregnant a few months after getting married, and even before they went on their scheduled honeymoon) because she felt she wasn't ready at all. Reg and I are thankful about these almost two full years we got together, just him and me. In the end, we ended up wanting this pregnancy because we were ready. God also gave us that time to fix our finances and get rid of all the debts (with only one more left, ending at the same month the baby is coming! That is what I call Perfect Timing. Thank you, Lord!), to teach us how to curb our admittedly crazy spending (now we know how to prioritize - baby first! house first!), teach us budgetting and balancing and to be able to save more. I would think that if this pregnancy came a few months or halfway into our first year of marriage, it would've probably been a hectic, worrying time. Right now, it's just about right. We still get to be the young parents we wanted to be, but more ready for it. The rest of the year into the next will be a little heavy - with the baby coming and the house about to start building - but we're more ready for it now than we were before.
I am always amazed at God's perfect timing. I used to question my PCOS (why me?) but now I see He used it to help us prepare. I remember that before getting married, Reg and I said we wouldn't have kids right away and that we'd just spend a year or so just us. Then we decided to just leave it all up to God, whenever He'd want to gift us with our baby. And this is how He did it. :)
(then after this, actual family planning starts!)
Amazing. Thank you Lord. :)