So yesterday, with only about 3-4 hours sleep cos of jetlag, we made our way over to Makati Med for our scheduled ultrasound and doctor's appointment. While waiting to be called into the ultrasound room, I was getting pretty anxious. I guess I was just remembering how the last time I was there, I came out sad. But! I kept positive and waited patiently with Reg.
So we finally get called and omigod! It was the most amazing thing in the world, ever! The doctor was describing what was on screen to me and showing me as well, I could see our baby's beating heart! And then they called Reg in and he stood there in awe also. <3 I couldn't help but give him a thumbs up from where I was lying. Haha! We were both so giddy excited and in awe. We kept saying, "oh wow. oh wow. that's awesome!" haha! And then the doctor tells us that we were going to listen to the baby's heartbeat! That just really pushed everything over the edge :) So we got to hear it, beating strong at 143 beats per minute. The doctor says it's very very good.

I had to stop myself from giggling like a crazy little girl in the ultrasound room. I really can't put it into words. But really, it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen and ever heard. I think I'm in love haha :)
So anyway, the ultrasound measures the baby's size to be about 6 weeks and 6 days and pegs my delivery date to be Aug 24. The doctor however, bases my pregnany age on the gestation period, so I'm considered to be 8 weeks pregnant and my due date is on Aug 16. I guess this means that I can expect to give birth anytime from Aug 16 onwards.
Since our doctor keeps making references about zodiac signs when mentioning due dates, we got to thinking what our baby's zodiac sign will be. If he or she is born before Aug 22, that will make him/her a Leo. However, after Aug 22, that makes him or her a Virgo. So we start thinking of the Virgoes we know and realized that both our exes were Virgoes and so are my parents. Ahahahahaha!! :D Anyway, not that it matters, it was just funny :)
With that great ultrasound, our doctor was very happy during our appointment. Me being her first patient for the first work day of the year, she was happy to get some really positive news. Haha!

Not much happened at the appointment, except that she has given me my pregnancy book - which is really kind of like a baby book - with literature to read and a pages to track my doctor's visits. My doctor has to write in it so I can track everything. It's actually pretty cool, and a nice little reference guide.
I did find out however, that I gained exactly 1lb since my last doctor's appointment (which was right before we left). I was kind of thinking that maybe I had lost a little weight because the last week or so, I haven't been able to really eat normally. But 1lb is good, I guess. I'm really working very hard to stop obsessing about my weight (it's my main issue in life) because there's really nothing I can do about it. I have 25-35lbs to gain for the next 7 months. :p I just really wish I started at a lower weight, but with all the weight gain from my medication, I have to settle for my weight now. Sigh :(
Reg keeps giving me ano ba looks whenever I whine about this, and I know he has a point. Without my medication, I wouldn't have been able to have a baby and all the weight gain is for the baby's good anyway. I just try to keep that in my mind - the trade-offs definitely outweigh everything.
Nothing beats this wonderful blessing, weight gain and all.
I still can't believe that I'm carrying a little one in my body. I'm so in awe.
Thank you God, thank you St. Jude for a wonderful ultrasound. Now to keep praying that all will keep going well. Next doctor's appointment is on Feb 4 - we're going to listen to the baby's heartbeat again! Yay! :)
So we finally get called and omigod! It was the most amazing thing in the world, ever! The doctor was describing what was on screen to me and showing me as well, I could see our baby's beating heart! And then they called Reg in and he stood there in awe also. <3 I couldn't help but give him a thumbs up from where I was lying. Haha! We were both so giddy excited and in awe. We kept saying, "oh wow. oh wow. that's awesome!" haha! And then the doctor tells us that we were going to listen to the baby's heartbeat! That just really pushed everything over the edge :) So we got to hear it, beating strong at 143 beats per minute. The doctor says it's very very good.
I had to stop myself from giggling like a crazy little girl in the ultrasound room. I really can't put it into words. But really, it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen and ever heard. I think I'm in love haha :)
So anyway, the ultrasound measures the baby's size to be about 6 weeks and 6 days and pegs my delivery date to be Aug 24. The doctor however, bases my pregnany age on the gestation period, so I'm considered to be 8 weeks pregnant and my due date is on Aug 16. I guess this means that I can expect to give birth anytime from Aug 16 onwards.
Since our doctor keeps making references about zodiac signs when mentioning due dates, we got to thinking what our baby's zodiac sign will be. If he or she is born before Aug 22, that will make him/her a Leo. However, after Aug 22, that makes him or her a Virgo. So we start thinking of the Virgoes we know and realized that both our exes were Virgoes and so are my parents. Ahahahahaha!! :D Anyway, not that it matters, it was just funny :)
With that great ultrasound, our doctor was very happy during our appointment. Me being her first patient for the first work day of the year, she was happy to get some really positive news. Haha!
Not much happened at the appointment, except that she has given me my pregnancy book - which is really kind of like a baby book - with literature to read and a pages to track my doctor's visits. My doctor has to write in it so I can track everything. It's actually pretty cool, and a nice little reference guide.
I did find out however, that I gained exactly 1lb since my last doctor's appointment (which was right before we left). I was kind of thinking that maybe I had lost a little weight because the last week or so, I haven't been able to really eat normally. But 1lb is good, I guess. I'm really working very hard to stop obsessing about my weight (it's my main issue in life) because there's really nothing I can do about it. I have 25-35lbs to gain for the next 7 months. :p I just really wish I started at a lower weight, but with all the weight gain from my medication, I have to settle for my weight now. Sigh :(
Reg keeps giving me ano ba looks whenever I whine about this, and I know he has a point. Without my medication, I wouldn't have been able to have a baby and all the weight gain is for the baby's good anyway. I just try to keep that in my mind - the trade-offs definitely outweigh everything.
Nothing beats this wonderful blessing, weight gain and all.
I still can't believe that I'm carrying a little one in my body. I'm so in awe.
Thank you God, thank you St. Jude for a wonderful ultrasound. Now to keep praying that all will keep going well. Next doctor's appointment is on Feb 4 - we're going to listen to the baby's heartbeat again! Yay! :)