She's here!
Isla Yelena was born on 21 Nov 2018 at 929am via caesarian section :) She is considered a preemie at about 36 weeks and 5 days. She weighed 7lbs and 8oz at birth and with an 8.9 apgar score. The picture above is one of her more famous pictures from that day because CHEEKS! haha :D They're not as big now - they settled down as the day went by and newborns typically lose a bit of weight after being born (she lost the textbook amount by the time we were discharged). But she's still cheek-y :) We headed to the hospital at about 130am early Wednesday after tracking consistent contractions for about an hour. Both Reg and I were able to take full showers before going in because doc asked for an hour's worth of tracking. Unlike the two previous pregnancies, I was definitely feeling pain along with the stomach hardening so it was a really uncomfortable time. I had been lying in bed, going through social media and watching random videos waiting for Reg to arrive when I realised ...